Protecting places of cultural and heritage significance is crucial to Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation's mission of advancing culture. It's important that any companies wishing to work with Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation or access our native title area for mining or exploration understand this. Some of our key principles in relation to heritage protection include a moratorium on uranium exploration and mining, an insistence on 'no means no' in our heritage protection agreements, no fracking without our consent, and we ask that companies stay away from our river. The Fitzroy River has been recognised on the National Heritage List as a place of national significance and we have agreed on a buffer zone around the river which must be respected. You click through to a map of the buffer zone here.
Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation is responsible for appointing Nyikina Mangala Traditional Owners to undertake heritage surveys (run through Environmental Heritage and Social Impact Services). It's our role to ensure the right people and family groups are nominated, who speak for the country where the developments or activities will take place. We also nominate and appoint Nyikina Mangala cultural heritage monitors, who are present at all times when exploration is taking place to ensure there is no damage to our significant sites.